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Frequently Asked Questions 

If MasterCard asks for a birth date when I call, what should I say?

When Calling MasterCard about your 4 My Baby ClinCard, use your child's date of birth.

How do I activate my 4MyBaby card?

The University of Michigan interviewer that gave you the card has already activated it for you. Please sign the back of the card and then you can immediately begin using it.

Who do I contact if I have questions about my card?
  1. You can call Customer Service 1-866-952-3795 and follow the prompts


   2. Call the 4MyBaby card hotline 608-291-7359

How do I check my available balance?
  1. Call Customer Service 1-866-952-3795 and follow the prompts

a. When asked for your date of birth, use your child’s birthday, mm/dd/yyyy

b. For NYC cardholders: When asked for your city, use your home borough or neighborhood (based on the information you gave the interviewer)

c. If the representative cannot locate your account or you have other issues, call the 4MyBaby card hotline: (608)-291-7359


   2. Login to

a. Navigate your web browser to

b. Register Account

c. View Balance


   3. Balance Inquiry at ATM (requires PIN)

How do I use my 4MyBaby card?

Your 4MyBaby card can be used in the following ways:​

1) In-Store Purchases

  • Select either the “Credit” or “Debit” option

  • If you choose “Debit”, enter your PIN

 2) Online Purchases

  • Enter the card number, security code, and expiration date

  • Use your home address for billing

3) ATM to get cash

  • Enter your PIN

4) Cash advance at a bank

  • The 4MyBaby card is accepted at all MasterCard member banks (look for a MC logo on the bank window/entrance)

  • You must know your available balance and inform the teller of the amount you would like to withdraw. Tellers are unable to check your balance (see “How to check your balance below”).

  • Present the teller with your signed 4MyBaby card and a valid government-issued photo ID.


What should I do if my 4MyBaby card is lost, stolen or damaged?

If your card is lost, damaged, or stolen, call the 4MyBaby card hotline (608-291-7359) for a free replacement card. This will deactivate your old card and transfer the remaining balance to your new card.

How do I set a PIN?
  1. Your PIN was set when your card was activated by the University of Michigan interviewer that gave you the card.

  2. To change your PIN Call Customer Service at 1-866-952-3795 and follow the prompts.

Are there any fees when using my 4MyBaby card?

There are NO FEES for:

  • Making online or in-store purchases

  • Withdrawing cash through a bank teller at any major bank

  • Calling the automated system for balance questions

  • Calling the Customer Service number and speaking to a live agent

  • Requesting a new 4MyBabyCard if your card is lost or stolen


There ARE FEES for:

  • ATM withdrawals (fees vary based on location)

  • Not using the card for more than 12 months will result in a monthly fee of $6.00.  As long as there is activity on the card within 12 months (if funds are added or a transaction is completed) the 12 month period will reset).

What if the amount of the purchase is for more than the balance on my 4MyBabyCard?

If the payment due is for more than the available balance on your card, be sure to inform the cashier of the designated amount you would like to use. Otherwise, if the card is authorized for an amount higher than the available balance, it will be declined.

Can I use my 4MyBaby card at a restaurant?

Yes. However, please note that restaurants (including fast food establishments) automatically preauthorize your card for 20% over the total bill, so ensure that you have enough available on your card to account for this.

Can I use my 4MyBaby card at a gas station?

Yes. However, please take your ClinCard inside to the cashier and ask them to run the card for a specific amount. Otherwise, if you use the card at the pump, the gas station will preauthorize your card for up to $100 or more. While the preauthorization is not a charge made to the account, as long as it is in place, it factors into the calculation of the available balance. It can then take several days for the preauthorization amount to be removed.

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